I am teaching 7th through 12th grade in one room. We have 7 periods a day and I am teaching technology/portfolio, Algebra I and II, English, Earth Science, Phys. Ed, and Alaska History. There weren't any lessons plans or sylibi left for me so I have to figure all this out with the help of the lead teacher who teaches kindergarden through 6th grade in the other room (trailer). It is challenging but I really like it.
We had some exchange students from Mexico and Germany visit the class
last week. They are enrolled in another school on the island. We took them snowshoeing on a nearby logging road and had lunch in an old rock pit. There are six girls (ages 12-17) and one boy in my class. Having some fresh blood in town caused the hormones to rage. The girls who didn't want to go in the first place were now fighting over leaving. At lunch I overheard the boy say to the exchange students "Remember in America, it is always the man's fault".
Hey... someone pointed your blog out to me just after I moved here. You have a great story... how you got there, the cabbin, the teaching. Jim Nygard somehow found my number here at the library a couple weeks ago asking if I would consider taking that job. He remembered me because we spoke about a different job this summer. Small world out here for sure.
Hi There!!!
WOW! It was so cool to talk to you Jonathan on yer Birthday! Looks like ya been busy...really enjoyed your girlfriend's photos...btw, your email link does not work so send me an email to dre4short@cs.com so I can catch you up on all the drama!!! lol Spencer says Hi and he wants to come help you with your cabin! Anyway...tell Misty Hi for me (Im sure she remembers me )and give Dolly a kiss for me!I love that dog!!!
hang loose my friend,
love Andrea
damn chicka! burly alaskan hottie sensa tentacles. email me!
katrina and punkael
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