Monday, March 19, 2007

Where are we?

My students say that they had a hard time finding our town on Google Earth. Bob took this screen shot a while ago. Our cabin is in the lower right corner by the Google logo. You can just barely see the driveway going down from the main road. The larger point is Luck Point, that is towards the main part of town, unfortunately that part is clouded out as we usually have cloudy skies.

The first aerial is of town when it was a logging camp from 70s - 90s. It has expanded out from the center and runs down towards what you can see in the Google image.

The other is an aerial that I found on the internet, says it is our town but hard to tell.

We are in the Southeast panhandle part of Alaska kind of near where the Boardwalk Lodge star is. And a rainfall chart for our area, not many days clear of clouds. Time to start the garden.

1 comment:

Wu said...

megan- congrats on the engagement. i won't be making it to the party in marshfield since i'm locked into a 10 month contract working as a boat operator/dive instructor/dive guide in the Abaco ISlands in the Bahamas! I wish you and Jonathan the best.... To think you met him the day after I left AK! Anyways, love the new page and keep blogging! Miss ya, Jenny