While Jonathan's friends John and John were here, the three Johns put in two dormer windows. I guess Jonathan woke up one morning a put a chainsaw through the roof. So that is where the dormers are now. They are five feet long and three feet tall. The amount of light they let into the cabin is amazing and now we can go up the "stairs" without bumping our heads.

They even put shelves into each one so I can have plants there year round. What a difference. Now we need to put the insulation in the roof and put the blue metal roof on over the gravel paper that didn't do so well last winter.

In the top photo you can also see the stairs and boardwalk Jonathan made leading down to the creek and workspace under the house.

There are beach-combed boom-chains running the length for railings, a very nice touch. The board walk leads to these steps going down to the creek. The photo on the right is looking down from the bedroom. You can also see the terraces I am trying to get filled with dirt for a shade garden. The shot below is more detail of the steps.

They have oyster and clam shell risers, cedar steps, and are lined with sediment striped rocks from the beach. The board going across the creek leads to a path going down to the beach. I think there are some shots of that already posted but what the heck I'll put more up because it is so dreamy.
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