Last Friday the talk around town was the weather. NOAA had issued a severe winter storm warning for our area. There were printouts on the doors at the market in Thorne Bay. Here in Camp they had to strategize grating the road because the town was out of diesel until next week (they don't use snow plows on the roads in camp, they use the gravel grater). Normally the weather just sucks here, but this weekend it was extreme. Sounded like the perfect time to get the cabin painted. 
When we went out that morning and couldn't get down the road because of the snow, we figured we wouldn't see anyone that day. Good ole' Misty and Dusty came down on the four wheeler and got right on it. Becky was right behind them, she left her truck up on the main road and said it was stuck so she just left it there in the middle of the road. Nobody is going past where we live especially with the grater not running. We borrowed a cool paint sprayer we powered up with the generator. Becky sprayed I followed with a roller to smooth it out. Misty and Dusty were downstairs with rollers. We needed more rollers and primer, Misty thought it would be a good idea to do accent walls. So we headed up the hill to the cars.
Becky and I snowshoed because it was just too deep to walk. Jonathan and Misty had to push the fourwheeler most of the way up. When we got to the top there were some friends on a snowmachine, they helped get the trucks moving. Brian and Sheila walked out there through the snow. We weren't sure if we went out, if we would get back in. But we did and got Becky's kids and made it back out. It was still dumping snow. The kids just disappeared in the snow, their hats were all we could see. We worked into the night and got the whole thing painted.
Including accent colored walls from some leftover paint Misty had. We finally took down the scaffolding inside. I think it has been up there for a year or more. It was awesome of everyone to come out on such a snowy day and paint until it was done. Wahoo! The floors will go in next week. All that wood we salvaged off the float house for the floor, and that Steve planed last summer, is going to be trim now. This is on the recommendation from Bill and Chuck, who have built a bunch of cabins in this country. They have used cedar on their floors and no matter what you do, you get big spaces between planks as the wood dries and it dents and scratches. I don't mind cedar floors but they recommended ordering flooring so we did. Hopefully it will get on the barge next week and we can pick it up in Thorne Bay. Sounds heavy.
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