Here's an interior shot of the cabin. We just had some furniture delivered last week. It is starting to look homey in there. We also had the "driveway" worked on. Up until now we would leave the house in the morning with flashlights roll up our pants, put on rubber boots and head up the hill to the car. The hill had turned into deep mud and could barely be traversed with a four wheel drive vehicle and was rough on the four wheeler. This also goes for bringing groceries down and laundry up. But we bit the big one and bought some crushed rock, like ten dumptrucks full and had the backhoe come down and make us a driveway. The backhoe moved our picnic table out of the way, onto the trampoline and I forgot to ask him to move it back when he left. That thing weighs so much we may just have to picnic on the tramp from now on.

Now I can actually ride my bike, yeah right, maybe when it stops raining.
Hi! I'm Soiyor's big sister Mickie. Our mom gave me your blog address, it's really cool. Tell Soiyor I said Hi and I miss her.
The "Bouncing Picnic" could very well become a popular new trend!
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