This morning we had a -3.5 low tide, this afternoon's high tide is aroung 17.3 feet, so we have about 20ft. difference in tides today. Too much current for diving so we went tidepooling

We started out by some islands in hopes of finding some abolone. We only found one.

The seals were keeping an eye on us while we were slipping around on the rocks. Maybe we should try flubbing around on our bellies like them, less bruising.
Then we moved to our secret oyster beach and got a couple of buckets for dinner. Pretty low tide, huh? Dolly, the dog, doesn't miss a fishing trip. today she tried jumping from the skiff onto a floating log, her front paws made it but as she pushed the skiff away, her hind legs stayed in the skiff. She got so stretched out before she finally went in the drink.

The silver salmon are in. Last night I caught a nice one in a creek as long as my arm and landed it myself in a tricky rocky waterfall situation. Today they were jumping all around us in the skiff, but not biting, for crying out loud.
1 comment:
Megan, it looks like your photos are posted well. The one of you (well, half of you) might b/c your photo is too big for your sidebar. You can either play around with the margins or shrink your photo.
Oooo, I miss scallops. I miss lobsters. It's a marine park here so no hunting but I do get hungry looking at all the fish. heehee. Oh, and I also miss (weird as it seems) cold water diving. I still want to visit you in Alaska and get some diving in.
I'm dating this English dude, Justin. Cute as a button! Will post photos on my blog later this month. Glad to hear you are doing well and keep blogging, my friend.
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