So now you've got to see the saw mill we used for all of the dimensional lumber in the frame of the cabin. It's called a mobile dimensional sawmill. It produces rough cut lumber that we obviously don't kiln dry or treat. We used mostly 2x6s for the frame. Any scraps were used in the greenhouse or for firewood.

This was back in January, so we were in the snow sometimes and the days were short, dark by 3:30. But we worked hard and cooked on the wood stove. I did catch on fire one day getting a little too cozy with the stove, my insulated Carharts burn from the inside-out apparently. Fortunately Jonathan is experienced in this and we cut the backs off an old pair of Carharts, then Shoe-gooed them to my warm pants, chaps style. Very nice. Made it through my first full winter in Alaska that way.
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