Monday, March 24, 2008

I Brake for Salmon

I heard rumors today that Chuck had caught the first King salmon of the season. So as I was driving home from work, Chuck was stopped in the road talking to Danny (we call this the information highway). As usual I just pulled around them while they were talking. But this time Chuck flagged me down. He pulled a nice filet out of the back of his truck. Sure I brake for salmon, so with a fresh piece of fish in hand I headed home to make sushi. Amy and Bob gave us a sushi set for christmas that I dug out of the boxes that are already packed to move out to the cabin. We're having sushi, sashimi and miso tonight. YayYa.
And I got to use the last of the winter keeper carrots I planted last year. Last summer we did a sashimi taste taste with four of the five salmon species we have here: King, Silver(Coho), Sockeye(Red), and Dog(Chum), no humpies(pink). Normally kings and silvers get all the attention. Even sockeye because their meat is pretty. I have turned up my nose in the past to dog salmon. But in the taste test that is the one I liked the best. It must have been in the middle of the season to get them all fresh. I think we caught a couple and we begged some of the others at the dock. But you know what, fresh king sushi in March will do.

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