Friday, August 18, 2006

Camping High and Dry

We went camping for a few days this week to get out of town. We took the boat, a tent, a chainsaw (for firewood), and a really crummy map. The crab pots had few crabs in them so we brought them alng for the trip. Jonathan really liked old barnacle eye.

We went into every nook and cranny that we could. The first night we found a really cool spot that you can only get to at high tide.

We did a bunch of exploring and got back out of the next day to find ourselves in another spot that you can only get into at high tide. This one had a Forest Service Cabin with boat access. This picture is of our boat high and dry.

The little island you can see under the corner of the sign is where we beached our boat and then walked the creeekbed to the trail head. That trail is supposed to go to a cabin 1.5 miles away on a lake. Well, a few hours later we still hadn't found the cabin or the lake, and the the trail just sort of stopped. Back to the boat in case it floats.It was a nice hike though.

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