I broke away from the computer last night to go check the skateline with the guys. A skateline is a series of 20 hooks that are clipped onto a main line and stretched out and anchored kind of deep to the bottom. We pull ours by hand. Fortunately, Jonathan had some friends come help pull and bait the line. I just had to untangle hooks and pass them to the guys for baiting. We got 2 good size halibut and a yelloweye (red snapper or rockfish). I am not sure how much they weighed whole but after they were filleted we had a five gallon bucket overflowing that must have weighed fifty pounds.

Between halibut and salmon and crabs we have had to set up a fish processing area on the front deck of our trailer to get it all together. We will smoke a cooler full of marinated salmon, can some salmon for sandwiches, freeze some fillets. The halibut will be frozen into dinner portions. The crab will be cooked, cleaned and frozen. We have also begun on deer meat. So far we have only one deer, we need maybe three or four more. We will make corned venison and can it for sandwiches, smoke deer jerky, steaks will be frozen, and lots of deer burger. All this in our free time from work. I have a hunting license, it came with the fishing license, but I don't even know how t

o shoot a gun. Good thing I can cook.

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