Saturday, April 19, 2008

Spring Sprung then Recoiled

So I was noticing Sunday that spring is really underway, I planted some lettuce, peas and chard according to the moon phase planting chart. This is a new system for me, I need all the help I can get.
There are some berry bushes with their flowers bloomed already. My helebore "Ivory Prince" had a great winter and has so many blooms.

Even the blue plastic collection seems to have grown.

Then on Wednesday we had white out conditions in town. I had to drive the Ecovan over to the school in Thorne Bay that day for a invertebrate education presentation. Normally I like to drive fast, but when I got to the junction I was stuck behind two log trucks doing 25mph. I kept trying to get a good shot of these ones because the one right in front of me was loaded with pecker poles, smaller logs, but the one up in front was loaded with just one huge log, called a pumpkin, that filled the whole bed. Alas, my batteries died out before I could get the shot. The money shot would have been the three of us together: two log trucks followed up by the Ecovan. I love this place, but I think that moon phase guide was printed in California--too early for planting outside still.

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