Thursday, April 03, 2008

Dream Pantry

These are the designs I drew for the pantry. The neighbors gave me a hard time for measuring the bisquick boxes, dog food bins, crab cooker and some of the cool appliances and canisters we got for our wedding. But hey, they will all have their own spot. I didn't get any pictures of the finished product before we moved the tools in there to put the floor down.

This is what it looks like right now. Please excuse the mess while we are under construction. Yeah right. The light is one from the cottage that was being leveled on Damon's Point that we ransacked for parts. Those green boxes are left over bamboo flooring. The sacks of cement are waiting for me to do the entry way floor this weekend. I like how he used beachlogs for the supports. They look like they go right through the shelves.

The right side wall is covered with shelves just for jars and cans. We jar food alot in the summer and also buy canned goods during case lot sales they have up here in the fall. Hopefully this way we will be able to see what we have so we don't buy twice.
The fuse box is very deceptive as our electrical system is super complicated. Sometimes we are on the generator, sometimes we are on the waterwheel. Sometimes the power goes out when too many power tools are runnning, so you don't really just flip the switch when we blow a fuse. I doubt that this will ever be easy.

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